Soul Derma
24 May

One frequently misinterpreted skin disease is melasma. Most people are unaware of it, and those who are aware are misinformed. Patients with melasma should be more informed about several elements of this prevalent hyperpigmentation problem. This may result in melasma becoming darker and more noticeable and irritating treatment setbacks. This article will address the common misconceptions surrounding melasma. To ensure authenticity and accuracy, insights from some of the best skin specialists have been gathered. Towards the end, you will also find recommendations on whom to consult for the best Melasma Treatment in South Delhi. Let's delve deeper into understanding melasma and debunking the myths.

Myth 1: All Melasma Cases Are Caused By Pregnancy

Melasma, sometimes known as chloasma or chloasma faciei, is commonly called "the mask of pregnancy." This makes it understandable why people frequently believe that pregnancy is the cause of every occurrence of melasma. Although melasma is a common skin issue among pregnant women, pregnancy is not the only cause of this problem. Genetics, UV (ultraviolet/blue light) exposure, and hormone imbalances are possible causes of melasma.Moreover, thyroid disorders, hormone replacement therapy, stress, and birth control pills can all cause them. 

Myth 2: Melasma Develops Only In Women

There is a widespread misconception that only women can develop melasma because of the strong correlation between melasma and pregnancy. In actuality, men can also acquire melasma. This is because the disorder is brought on by hormone imbalances, heredity, and UV/blue light exposure—all of which are experiences that men can have. Men with darker skin tones, especially those of Asian and African heritage, are more likely to develop melasma.

Myth 3: One Treatment is the Only Requirement

Once the melasma has cleared up, one still needs to manage it. The recurrence of melasma cannot be guaranteed. Whichever treatment is selected, there is always a danger that hormonal fluctuations or exposure to UV light will cause it to recur.Working closely with a skilled skin specialist is advised. This is needed to develop a long-term melasma management strategy that targets both melasma prevention and managing flare-ups, which is imperative.

Myth 4: One Can Avoid Wearing Sunscreen If One Already Has Melasma.

It is incorrect to believe that if one has melasma, one needs to wear sunscreen. Even with melasma, one should still shield their skin from UV rays. A melasma treatment plan must include sunscreen.Sunscreen should be applied every day, especially on overcast days. Dermatologists offer advice on the best sunscreen to prevent further darkening and lessen the chance of aggravating pigment problems. Generally, one should select a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or greater. Ideally, use a broad-spectrum sunscreen.

Myth: All Melasma Cases Are Caused By Genetics Or Heritage

Although having a certain genetic makeup can make this hyperpigmentary disorder more likely to occur, it is not fair to assume that melasma is always inherited. Even though genetics may be involved, melasma can affect persons of all ancestral backgrounds and skin tones. Patients with melasma in their family are more likely to get the skin disorder, although those without a family history can still get it.It's crucial to remember that those with darker skin tones are more likely to develop melasma. Residents of areas with more UV radiation are also more likely to be affected, as the cause is frequently linked to sun exposure.

Myth 6: Melasma Is UntreatableThis myth is especially detrimental. 

A person with melasma who thinks there is no treatment for their condition will never look for one. After multiple unsuccessful attempts, even individuals who seek treatment may feel hopeless. Even though melasma can be difficult to treat, it is possible. The first step in determining the best melasma treatment for you is to see a knowledgeable cosmetic dermatologist.

  • Expert South Delhi dermatologists, like Dr. Anika Goel of Soul Derma Clinic, treat melasma using a tried-and-true method tailored to the individual’s specific needs. This multimodal treatment approach has shown positive results for a wide range of individuals. 
  • Dr. Goel uses glycolic acid, retinol, hydroquinone, kojic acid, and vitamin C. The doctor usually starts this procedure with a chemical peel of Cosmelan. 
  • The Cosmelan peel is a well-liked and safe solution for all skin types and tones. This chemical peel with a salicylic acid base works incredibly well to treat melasma and prepare skin cells for laser treatments. 
  • Laser treatments are an additional well-liked peel choice. When combined with vitamin C and other ingredients, it lightens melasma.
  • These are quite safe treatments. Additionally, the doctor recommends a personalized skincare routine that includes strong sun protection.

Consult the Expert Melasma Specialist Now!

With the proper treatment plan, one can reduce the look of their melasma. One can book a consultation at Soul Derma Clinic to learn more about how it can be treated. The advanced and best skin clinic in South Delhi has a talented, skilled team headed by the leading dermatologist, Dr. Anika Goel. The doctor can help one combat melasma. To avail of the benefits, book an appointment now!

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